Enjoy my music :)

Age 32, Male

Wi/Ht? Member

Lycée Descartes


Joined on 4/14/07

Exp Points:
8,168 / 8,700
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
6.92 votes
Staff Sergeant
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:

Sonofkirk's News

Posted by Sonofkirk - November 7th, 2010


Posted by Sonofkirk - July 28th, 2010

I'm working on several songs these days and particularly on a collaboration with Bad-Man-Incorporated so stay tuned folks!

Zelda Temple Metalized

New songs coming soon.

Posted by Sonofkirk - October 29th, 2009

I've decided to make a song for Halloween this year again, I think it turned pretty cool :). Tell me watcha think!

The Symphony Of The Demon

Stay metal!

Posted by Sonofkirk - September 10th, 2009

I felt a new newspost would be cool since the old one was very... old. I had the idea to write another newspost with more NG related useful links but I want to try to write something long in English - which is not my native language - and see how I do. So yeah there is no real subject to this blog, it's just what I feel like saying to the Newgrounds community. Therefore, if what follows doesn't interest you, don't bother leaving a puerile comment.

Alright, school has started again and the rhythm I have to follow now is really different from the one I had during the holidays, no more entire nights spent on the PC watching films and chatting on messenger. I'm quite having troubles to stand the studies pace. I'm in 11th grade this year, I should currently be a senior but I repeated this year since 11th grade is weighty if I want to study in a famous college in the future.

As a consequence, I study a lot and try to really focus on studies. I've thought about leaving my account for a year or something to concentrate on highschool but it didn't work, I couldn't resist to check the Portal as soon as I had a little free time. I came to a compromise between NG and real life; I try to limit myself to doing the lists updates, posting a bit and depositing. I gave up reviewing, the reviews I was posting were too long and I couldn't stand at a standard pace with this length of review; I'll write a review every now and again when I really like a submission.

The following part is quite personal, don't judge me, I only felt I could share this with you. Recently, I went through some problems in real life regarding to my ex-girlfriend and my feelings. We separated before the summer holidays began and it was like a shock to me, she was my first girlfriend and I couldn't imagine that happening. I made some research and I found that people usually think the first love will be the last, I guess that what I thought when I was with her. I was depressed deep in my heart but I tried to hide it as much as I could, but it went even worse. I spoke to some close friends and even to my best NG buddy about it, that was a weight off my mind.

Sorry about the emo part, let's go down to business. I've been listening to some new music these days, musicians I wasn't use to listen to. I've listened a lot of Sting's albums, I must say he's on the most brilliant musician I ever discovered; he has a fantastic sense of melody and his voice... the world wouldn't be the same without his voice. I advise you to listen to several of his solo albums - Mercury Falling or Ten Summoner's Tales - the compositions are great. I've been listening to a lot of jazz as well since I'm going to study guitar in an advanced jazz guitar school. I particularly liked a certain saxophone player called Joshua Redman, I recommend you to listen to all his albums if you like modern jazz. The groove is brilliant and the compositions are complicated and full of complex time signatures - I love it as I usually listen to progressive metal.

Definitely a lot of new things happen to me music-wise, my band and I are going to go in a professional studio to record our compositions, this will happen during the X-mas holidays. We visited the studio and it's pretty kick ass, we'll have access to professional recording and mixing, I'll make sure to post pictures and videos of our recording sessions. We have three complete compositions and I'm composing two new songs so we'll have a total of five songs to record. If you are interested you can check our Newgrounds account - Acid Goo.

Well that's all for now, feel free to comment on any subject that is dealt with in those paragraphs :).



[Statistic List - Helpful links] - [RRC - Requests list] - [RRC - The points system, clarified]

Posted by Sonofkirk - October 7th, 2008

Tom modified my username as I asked him, thank you Tom!

Latest Submission: ** \ Clo / **

Review Request Club

This club aims to increase the exposure of the most under-rated Newgrounds musicians and flash artists. The other major purpose of the club is offer flash and audio artists high quality feedback so they can constantly improve their work. If you are into reviewing, you are welcome there, just read the club rules before applying.

For the current members, here are the requests to do for next update.

- Part I: Statistics Lists -

The Top 100 Audio Reviewers List - Sonofkirk - Updated on 9/7/09 - Next update 9/20/09
The Top 100 Audio Responses List - Sonofkirk - Updated on 9/2/09 - Next update 9/13/09

Top 100 Reviewers - Metal-Therapy - Updated 4/18/09
Top 100 Responses - Coop83 - Updated 3/28/09
Top 50 Blammers List - Coop83 - Updated 4/14/09
Top 50 Protectors List - Coop83 - Updated 4/3/09
B/P Ranks 51+ - Bahamut - Updated 4/19/09
Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List - Bahamut - Updated 4/17/09
Top 2,000 Exp Users - Bahamut - Updated 3/29/09
Top Voting Power List - Wylo - Updated 4/13/09

- Part II: Some useful Wi/Ht? threads -

Wi/Ht? Regulars List - Bahamut
The Where is/How to Forum is a place where you can ask NG related questions. Wi/Ht regulars are the users who help the most people in that Forum. So if you have a question about Newgrounds, feel free to PM a regular!

Mal's gift to you: Review answers 2.0
If you are new with flagging abusive reviews, you might have a look at this thread. The thread is now You can ask questions about what is abusive or not. Exclusively review moderators will answer. Before asking there, read the Newgrounds Review Guidelines AND Mal's gift to you: Review answers, you could find the answer there.

NG Screenshot archive
If you need an NG related pic you can't find, go there and look through the pages, you could find it. You can also post NG related pics there.

Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution MK3
If you have a suggestion regarding to NG evolution, post it there explaining your point.

Newgrounds FAQ II
Another version of the Newgrounds FAQ made by Newgrundling. It's based on the official Newgrounds FAQ but edited.

NG Log Ideas
Newgrounds Log is an NG related website and is made to help you keeping track of your stats. If you have anysuggestions about NG Log, make a detailed post in that thread, Casualty should think about it.

- Part III: Some useful Audio threads -

Voice Actor Wanted
If you need a voice actor for your flash projects, make a post on that thread following the thread rules and wait for replies.

Voice Actor Advertisement Thread
Make a post in that thread if you are a Voice Actor who want to advertise your talents! Read the thread rules before posting.

Awaiting Audio Approval?
Another great thread by Rucklo where he explains why, if you tried to submit a piece of audio to the Audio Portal, your song is not in the AP.

Zerovoting and Exposure
You got zero-bombed to hell and want an explanation? You want more people to listen, rate and review your work? Have a look at this other thread by Rucklo <3 and your issues should be solved :P.

The Theme Song Request Thread
This thread is a place where you can request your own theme song. It can be useful if you are a Flash Artist who need a good song to place in each of your flash - In the credits for example. Read the thread rules before posting.

Dude - Where's My Thread?
Use this thread if you can't find a thread you want to see again. Give a description of the thread you are seeking for and regulars could find it. Don't forget to try with the Search Bar before asking!

Audio Advertisements
Place a link to your latest submission there, you could receive reviews from the other regulars of the Audio Forum.

Ask your Fruity Loops questions here
A helpful thread that will help you to solve your Fruity Loops issues.

Audio Tutorials: Mk I, Software Synths, Sound Converters and Studios & Editors
Four very very helpful threads made by Denvish. You must have a look at them if you are new to audio, if you want a sound converter or if you need tips about audio softwares.

- Part IV: Some useful General threads -

Forum Rules, Clarified
To clarify the Newgrounds Forum Rules, BBS moderators made that thread where each BBS Moderator explain a part of the Forum rules.

Guide: what is and what isn't spam?
A great and exhaustive reminder by Zerok about what is spam and what is not spam in the BBS.

Guide to Bumping Topics
A thread you have to read where Zerok clear-up the old debate concerning bumping threads. You'll learn the different ways of bumping and the risks you can run by bumpings threads.

Spam PMs go here
If you have a PM sitting in your inbox from such an account (this is only for legitimate spam), copy/paste the PM you received and don't forget to provide the username of the sender so Wade can get ride of the account.

Need your Flash deleted?
Well, the thread title says all. Just follow what Wade wrote if you want one of your flash deleted.

Blocking NG ads
Basically, don't try to block NG ads :P.

Improve your subject titles!
Learn how to improve your thread titles.

- Part V: Useful News Posts -

1] General news posts:
Ismael92's Interesting NG links - A great news post and a gold mine of informations that will be useful for newbies and regulars.
Insanimation's Flashback, Helpful links *as usual* - Another helpful blog that deals will almost all about Newgrounds.
What does ThePigeonMaster think about you? - Send him a PM asking him that and he'll write what he thinks about you or how you look here in NG. He'll see your posts, reviews, everything and he will determinate what he does think about you.

2] Improvement news posts:
Fro's Guide to the BBS
Fro's Guide to Writing Helpful Reviews
Fro's Guide to Abusive Reviews
Fro's Good Reviews
NEVR's Backseat modding clarification
Zerok's Bannable posts & BBS Rules
Malachy's Abusive Reviews Reminder
Kidray76's Reviews/Review Modding
RyanLucifer's Guide to posting in Politics
DnaDraxxus's Abusive Reviews Guide
gumOnShoe's Forum Reminder / Lesson: Replying
SlashFirestorm's PSA: Real way to stop spam
SlashFirestorm's PSA: Mass voting issue

- Part VI: Improvement Flashes -

RohantheBarbarian's Abusive Review Guide
Rohanthebarbarian's and Fro's Abusive Review Guide II
Rohanthebarbarian's and Fro's Being a Helpful NG'er
Sispri's and Fro's Newgrounds Helpful Guide

Under construction, more material to come.

- Part VII: Icon Helper -

I made icons for these flashes:
1] Rogue of Grace, Coming!
2] Saddam Ballet
3] Life as a mage
4] Odor Destroyers
5] The Eguardo Files
6] Gulf War 2
7] Ninja Movie
8] Ninja Blade
9] Fishmonger - Part 1

Icons Pending: 1

Here is a video of me playing RohantheBarabian's Theme, enjoy my hair lmao.

/* */

Posted by Sonofkirk - July 9th, 2008

Those are the requests that have to be done by the next update, on Sunday the 12th of November. Brought to you by Joshsouza.

Flash Requests (3):
Dufflebag Dud by carljohnson
The Sculpture by PBass
Eku Dance Sock by RollLip

Audio Requests (14):
4:20am by DumbassDude
[DX] Haunted Hip-Hop by dx5231
LB - Your Beauty Defined by Lublub194
Down the Walk by sarias
Sg720 - Tonight by sumguy720
Alien Relations - BK by Bracksta
Freezing Fire by WeHaveFreshCookies
In the Trees by sarias
[Dr.S] Keep On Movin' by Dr-Slump
[:Beyond Your Mind:] by MinorLight
Demon Voices by Monkeydelic
The Ancient Ones by Monkeydelic
Darkness In You by Exige2009
Aleos (Take2) by Kirbyfemur
-Zestify- By Liam3003
Shine Cover (NO VOX) By Kirbyfemur

Art Requests (6):
Chess Checketboard #2 by XwaynecoltX
Chess Checkerboard #3 by XwaynecoltX
The Raven by E-YeahStudios
Palm Tree by XwaynecoltX
Checkerboard #1 by XwaynecoltX
Akss by up-a-notch

Extra Audio Requests (2):
In The Trees By sarias
The Ancient Ones By Monkeydelic


Member's Update #01 - 06/21/09
Member's Update #02 - 06/28/09
Member's Update #03 - 07/05/09
Member's Update #04 - 07/13/09
Member's Update #05 - 07/21/09
Member's Update #06 - 08/09/09
Member's Update #07 - 08/17/09
Member's Update #08 - 08/17/09
Member's Update #09 - 08/31/09
Member's Update #10 - 09/08/09
Member's Update #11 - 09/13/09
Member's Update #12 - 09/20/09
Member's Update #13 - 09/30/09
Member's Update #14 - 10/05/09
Member's Update #15 - 10/11/09
Member's Update #16 - 10/18/09
Member's Update #17 - 10/26/09
Member's Update #18 - 11/02/09
Member's Update #19 - 11/12/09

Posted by Sonofkirk - June 15th, 2008

Review Request Club - Club Rules/Infos

When you review a request posted on this thread, you gain either 6 points if you put "Review Request Club" at the bottom of your review or 5 points if you don't add this little signature. That's the basic points system.

Though, in the old thread, we introduced extra points imputed to the most active users. You can benefit from three sorts of extra points:

1) You gain +7 points if you completed all the requests of the past week - that aims to encourage the members to review more.
2) You gain +3 points if you posted at least once in the thread during the past week - keeps the thread more often on the C&C main page and bring us more attention ;).
3) And finally, you gain +5 points when you refer a new member - the user you referred must mention you in his joining post.

In the end of the week, the list updater - at the present time, I - creates a list according to this point system. I hope this is clearer than the post on the first page and if anyone still doesn't get the system after this accuracy, they can try to complete reviews and wait for the update or just forget this club.